Friday, February 18, 2011

You know you are saved when...

Yesterday I was helping my daughter clean a house, she does house keeping. We were at the last house and I was cleaning the last room, all I had to do was clean under a I reached down with the hose from the vacuum it happened...I felt it before I realized what had happened. This horrible pain ran up my arm and as I looked down at my hand I saw it..blood and no finger nail. All I could say was "Oh man, oh man, oh man". When I finally got cleaned up (ha, that is funny I am there to clean a house and I turn out to be the one that needs cleaning up), and calmed down my daughter, bandaged my finger and breathed through the throbbing, I realized that not only did I not swear, but there was not one swear word in my thoughts. I had to say thank you to God for living in me, for cleaning my mouth and my thoughts, isn't it wonderful when you realize just how much God has been working in you and you did not even notice.
Today praise God for the changes that He has made in you, take some time to check out the works of the refining fire.
God Bless you

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