Monday, February 14, 2011


I was listening to a minister the other day on the radio, and he was discussing the aspect of tithing. For many years I have felt guilty about the fact that I did not always think that I could give my 10% every week.Have you ever felt that? $100.00?????????? that's gas, or food. Jesus tells us to give of our time, talents and our treasure I think for a great reason. Think about it, there is no way that you could give enough to God since He has everything and more, what could we possibly give Him in monetary terms that He could use? So I started to look at it in a different way, if I am desperately clenching a dollar bill in my hand and someone comes along and wants to give me $1,000.00, the only way I can take the $1,000.00 is if I let go of the dollar bill. If we hold on to our time, talents and treasure how can we receive the blessings that God has for us? If God's love is in us we need to take the time to open ourselves to share some of our time for someone in need, share our talents to encourage others, and share our money to feed someone or keep their lights on. God will replenish when we pour out what He has given us. I think that 10% is not only money, because some people have no problem giving money, but giving of themselves is quite another story, or they have issues of giving up some of their time. Tithe to me is giving of what ever you have at the moment, no matter what it is God calls you to use to help one of His children. What He gives you He gives to you in abundance so that 10% is really nothing, you sill have 90% left.
I pray that He will grace you with the heart to seek out where you can tithe today, could be your neighbor, friend or a complete stranger, but remember when you bless someone you will be blessed 10 fold. How great is that! How great is our God.
God Bless you this day

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