Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today I woke up fretting. Not a pleasant place to be, as often as I try to avoid the experience it still happens. So God lead me to Psalm 52 and I wanted to share it with you.
Verses: 1-The goodness of God endures continually 7-I will make God my strength 8-I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever 9= I will wait on Your name for it is good.
And then in a devotional I read: God's life is in my life. And last but not least..Fretting is an indication of the absence of the anointing of the grace of God.
I love how God will answer me if I just take the time to listen, when I sit still at the feet of Jesus and let Him minister to me HE will give me the peace that passes all understanding.
I am learning that it is OK to fret, worry, stress, and be scared, because we are wired to feel these emotions from God. But how we deal with these feelings is another matter all together. These emotions are warning signs to bring us back under His wings, to let us know that we are trying to do it on our own without Him.
I hope that you will try with me to recognize these signs and turn back to Him, The Prince of Peace.
God Bless you this day

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