Saturday, February 12, 2011


Lately I have been contemplating the whole idea of God's timing. Because I am in no way a patient person (it seems that when God was making me He left a few of the P's out of my make up), I have been struggling with the whole concept of waiting. The last thing that I have wanted is to be like the Israelites who never seemed to have the ability to wait without groaning about it, I get annoyed just reading it, so I can not imagine how annoying it must have been for our Father to listen to it day in and day out.
And then I realized that it is not so much that I have to be patient as it is that I have to respect God's timing. He is to be exalted and admired, and He is to be respected for the amazing Father that He is. If I choose to respect His timing and obey Him, then it is no longer waiting or being patient it is looking on in anticipation of what He is going to do. I no longer have the anxious powty face, I have the anticipation face. The one that says "hey God that is really cool". Since He is the one that is in control, and the one that all of our experiences goes through first, then what else should I really be doing besides looking on in amazement.
So the next time that you feel like you are waiting, turn the tables and give God the respect and the glory that He so much deserves.
God Bless you

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