Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I woke up yesterday anxious, depressed, frustrated and angry. After four nights of no sleep (my husband and snoring need I say more?) I had had enough. I was fit to be tied literally. Then I remembered JOY: Jesus, Others, You. So I asked Jesus to grant me His peace, and He gave it to me. He is faithful, then I set out to do something for someone else, so I wrote some valentines cards for my family. Then I cleaned my house and something amazing happened, yes I was still mad at my husband for cutting down logs, but it was just him. The frustration was gone, the anxiety the depression was no longer there. Just the facts remained and that I could deal with. So the next time you feel overwhelmed try looking out side of you, look up then out and then do something that you do have control over, something that will give you a positive out come and see what happens. Try to count it all JOY today and be blessed.
God Bless you

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