Thursday, April 28, 2011

finite vs infinite

Over the past few weeks there has been so much happening in the world, and in our lives. People dieing, children growing up whether we like it or not. Friends that we had are no longer friends for what ever reason. And then there is the weather...So I started thinking about finite.
We will always have problems, and when we think that the worst is over then there is a new problem, which seems worse than the last. A week ago last Tuesday I was home alone when we had the tornado warnings, let's talk about scared, what do you do where do you go? Me I went to my neighbors house, they have a down stairs. But then it passed and so did the days and now it is Thursday of the following week, I am fine and the past week is but a memory.
Then there is infinite...infinity and I AM, who never changes, who is always there whether there is a tornado, death, or just a bad hair day. The one that I can always call on no matter what. The one that hears through the storms, screams, tears, fears and the joy.
So if I have to choose between an phone in white that is sooo finite for two hundred dollars, and the one that will give me love forever...gee ... I choose infinite

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