Friday, March 4, 2011

Not Forsaken

I have learned that my family is not my birth parents, but the ones that truly love me. I went through a rough patch this week. Constantly tested, tried, and attacked. During this time I was amazed at the love and support that God gave me through my family in Christ. It brought home the feeling that I had when Jesus said that His family was the people that He had surrounding Him, not His mother and brothers that were out side the door wanting an audience with Him.
When you feel overwhelmed, over taken, or ran over seek His face and see the ones that He has sent to show you that your family will never leave you nor forsake you through Jesus Christ.
Psalm 27:10 When my mother and father forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.
This is His promise and I am proof that He keeps His word.
God Bless you

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